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Fairwinds-Redmond Keeps Residents Smiling with Laughter Yoga

Fairwinds - Redmond Keeps Residents Smiling with Laughter Yoga

Alissa Sauer

Yoga is a centuries-old practice, tried and true, with proven health benefits for people of all ages. We know that yoga is good for health and well-being – but what if we all had a little more fun doing yoga? That’s where laughter yoga comes in!

Learn more about the unique program at Fairwinds-Redmond that keeps residents happy and healthy.

5 Benefits of Laughter Yoga for Seniors

Laughing at Laughter YogaThe old adage, “Laughter is the best medicine” may seem flippant but there is research showing that laughter can actually have physiological health benefits including a reduction of stress hormones and an increase in feel-good endorphins. Laughter yoga is an exercise routine that includes guided laughter exercises and deep breathing exercises, increasing oxygen to the brain and helping participants feel more healthy and energized.

Laughter yoga has unique benefits, especially for seniors including:

  1. Increases laughter and mood: Laughter yoga can change your mood quickly by releasing endorphins in the brain. These feel-good hormones can improve your mood and keep you laughing throughout the day.
  2. Reduces stress: Because laughter yoga is also a cardio workout, there is increased oxygen to the body and brain helping participants feel more relaxed and energized.
  3. Strengthens immune system: Laughter yoga can reduce stress and strengthen the immune system.
  4. Improves the quality of life: The positive energy from laughter yoga can help participants connect with other people in the life and other participants in the class.
  5. Improves attitude through life’s trials: The breathing and laughter exercise in class can help participants cope with negative situations or negative people – encouraging a good attitude through difficult times.

Smiles, Laughter, and Five Star Fun at Fairwinds-RedmondExercises at Laughter Yoga

Ready to give laughter yoga a try? Every Thursday at 11:00 am a visitor to Fairwinds-Redmond can hear the smiles and cheers of residents as they gather for their weekly Laughter Yoga class. The class has residents filling the hallways with smiles, laughter, and cheers bringing a light-hearted and happy vibe to an already close-knit and encouraging community.

Residents participate in a series of deep breathing exercises that bring increased oxygen to the brain and body and also practices laughter exercises they call, “Lion Laughter,” “Deep Belly Laughter,” and “Chicken Laughter.” These laughing exercises release feel-good endorphins in the brain, leaving residents feeling less stress, improving relationships among residents, and contributing to a positive mental attitude.

Residents rave about the class saying they have seen the physical and emotional benefits of laughter yoga in their own lives. Participants say,

  • “My doctor has noted that my blood pressure has gone down!” – Peggy
  • “When I feel anxious before a doctor visit, I practice the deep breathing technique and it really calms me down.” – Jan
  • “I feel myself letting go of inhibition!” – Irene
  • “Excellent presentation, fun exercises, and hilarious experiences all around. This should be required for all living people!” – Marcelle

Because laughter yoga does not rely on a sense of humor, cognitive function, or require previous yoga experience, anyone can do it. Stop by Fairwinds-Redmond this Thursday at 11:00 am to join a laughter yoga class and experience senior living with five-star-fun!

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